Friday, May 23, 2014

Scrum Your Educational Ticket

Hat-3A new study shows that a growing number of universities in the USA have begun athletic programs that are not the traditional American sports.  It seems that colleges and universities have added programs such as rugby, rowing (not a new program) and lacrosse, with this new emphases on rugby, rowing and lacrosse comes four-year scholarships.
The traditional collegiate sports are becoming more and more competitive making it difficult for most student athletes to receive scholarships.   In these less traditional American sports, scholarships for both men and women are abound.  So scrum it up international students you never know there maybe a scholarship in your name at a university or college in the USA.
Elizabeth Koukladas

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Emergency Student Fund For Iranian Students Studying In U.S

Iranian students with urgent financial needs to continue their studies in the United Statesstudy abroad may receive grants of $2,000.
 The Institute of International Education (IIE) has announced the launch of a new Emergency Student Fund (ESF) to assist students from Iran on U.S. campuses with urgent financial support should they be impacted by crisis or natural disaster in their home countries.
IIE has partnered with the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) to fund this activity,
IIE believes that the grants will need additional donations, and is actively seeking generous  individuals and foundations to help them along the way. Click here to donate.
IIE’s ESF has provided over $1 million to more than 400 students from Syria, Japan, Haiti, Libya, and Thailand .
The additional funding is so the Emergency Student Fund are able to act faster and more efficiently to aid  international students.
At Bearla International Studies we are always in support of any aid offered to international students in times of a crisis. Projects such as this can make a huge difference to a student’s life and education. It is important for international students to feel safe and as though there is help and support for them should something go wrong during their study abroad adventures.
The Emergency Student Fund have proposed that over the next few years they plan to add additional countries to their list of students able to receive aid.
Amber Williams

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Purdue University's ROI & The Gallup-Purdue Index Poll

Purdue University has recently taken a Gallup poll on Return on Investment (ROI) for university graduates.  
You dream it, We plan it, You do it!
Bearla International Studies
Purdue University has broken the categories into 5 views:  Purpose, social, financial, community and physical.   
This resent poll suggest that university graduates are fairing better than most people without a formal education.  As I have stated in the past-a lack of education is costly, not just financially but in several other categories as proven in Purdue’s Index Poll.  A university education isn’t just about money it’s about a peace of mind, a feeling of purpose and confidence.   I know because my formal university education changed my life, it made me a confident person, which is something I lacked most of my young adult life.  
So, for those of you who doubt your education right now, it will get better and you will feel as if it was all worth it that I can confirm. Or perhaps you should study abroad instead!
Elizabeth Koukladas

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Russian Flagship Program & $265,000 Student Scholarships

hat-7The Russian Flagship Program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has received more than $265,000 for student scholarships from the National Security Education Program in the U.S.
The program is in order to support intensive langauge study in Russia and prepares students to take their place among the next generation of global professionals, commanding a professional level of competence in Russian language and culture. The department of defense and the University of Wisconsin will be providing scholarships (described as 'bold, intensive, adventurous, useful') throughout the 2014-15 academic year. The Russian Flagship Program has received $160,000 previously for scholarships, known as the Boren Scholarships which were awarded to undergraduate students to achieve a professional level of competence in Russia.
The Russian Flagship program will see 27 students from the university of Wisconsin study in Russia. Twelve of which will study at the Saint Petersberg State University throughout the 2014-15 academic year. Nine will be studying this summer in Moscow, Saint Petersberg, or Vladmir. And six will enrol in intensive Russian programs at the University of Wisconsin, or one of three other US universities which provide intensive Russian Flagship programs. The programs throughout the 2014-15 academic year and throughout the summer are run by the American Councils for International Education.
I have always been rather wimpy when it comes to cold weather, but apart from that, the Russian Flagship Program will be a great experience and fantastic preperation for students wanting to strengthen ties with Russia for their future careers. If you are wondering why you should study Russian, then here are some excellent reasons:
Russia is the largest country in the world -- almost twice the size of the United States – spanning 9 time zones and covering about 1/8th of the world’s land surface.  Russia is the ninth most populous country in the world and the largest in area.
Russia is one of the largest producers of many natural resources and raw materials, the second largest producer of oil and has a huge potential market for US good and services.
To learn more about the scholarships and how to apply, visit:
Do svidaniya!
Amber Williams

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to get the Best Finance Degree Recommendation Letter.

At Bearla International Studies, we understand the importance of a quality letter of recommendation. The impact of having strong advocates who are familiar with your performance along with your application can be the difference between an acceptance and a decline. Finance degree programs the world over can be very competitive, but do not fear, as today we are here to guide you through obtaining an effecive letter of recommendation for your Finance degrees!
Who to approach...
Firstly, find someone who knows you well and can speak honestly and in a detail fashion about your performance abilities, preferrably a teacher or tutor.
Secondly, find someone who has a background in Finance, preferrably in the field you are looking to study in, or as closely related as you can find!
The third may be a little harder to accomplish, but, finding someone related to your field, who is familiar with your background, but who is also familiar with the country you are looking to study in. The advantage of this is that they will be able to speak to the connection between your background generally, but specifically academically, in terms of how it will connect to finance degree programs in the US.
Finally, find someone who has connections or an established relationship with the institution you are applying for, this will add credibility to your letter of recommendation.
If you have somebody who fits this description perfectly then you are a lucky student, however, if you find somebody who has only some of these qualities you are also doing excellently too.
Good luck with your applications and recommendations!
If you need any help or guidance, then please do not hestitae to contact either Elizabeth or I at
Happy studies!
Amber Williams.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Third Annual Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education.

The Deshpande Foundation and University of Massachusetts, Lowel have announced the Third Annual Symposium on
Fighting for the things you want, pays off in the end.
Fighting for the things you want, pays off in the end.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education.  This gathering is for higher education practitioners, academics and faculty.
“This intimate gathering of higher education practitioners, academics and faculty focuses on engaging participants in an examination and discussion of emerging strategies and practices that encourage innovative and entrepreneurial education, campus culture and community/business engagement.”
The symposium is directed at the following subjects:
Entrepreneurial Universities:  Culture & Ecosystems
Innovative Entrepreneurship Curriculum
Research Commercialization and Startups
Emerging Trends & Topics
Keynote speakers:
Mary Sue Coleman, President of the University of Michigan and co-Chair of the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Professor Vladimir Bulovic, practicing entrepreneur and Associate Dean for Innovation at MIT.
Some might think that being an entrepreneur and being educated are polar opposites but it seems that the Deshpande Foundation think differently.  America has always been known as a country that thrives on entrepreneurial spirit, you might even say it is one of the best characteristics of the American people.  I come from a family of entrepreneurs and I have great admiration for those who step out of their comfort zone and head into the darkness with no map.  I am very supportive and glad to see that the Deshpande Foundation has found and supported the importance of education and innovation and entrepreneurship, I wish I could go…
Elizabeth Koukladas

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bargains For International Students!

I hope  you have already applied for your ISCI, if not, then here is why you should and the great benefits you will receive from being a card holder.

'The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only internationally accepted, UNESCO endorsed proof of bona fide student status. An ISIC card is your passport to fantastic benefits and services the world over. If you're a full time student aged 12 years+ then you're eligible for an ISIC card.'

Benefits include discounts on adventure tours, online courses, computer programs, the cinema, language courses and so much more. The discounts for international students change frequently and to be quite honest I feel that anyone studying abroad should not leave home without one. Even if you do not have a tight budget, its always great to get a bargain and you would hate to be left out of the loop if all your friends have one!

The cost of the card depends on your country of issue, but is never more than 25 USD. If your country of residence do not issue the card, then do not fear-you are able to apply for one in your chosen country of international study. You are able to apply for the card online, but be warned that it may take upto 4 weeks for the application to be processed, so, apply early so that once you are ready to board your plane for your study abroad extravaganza you have your international studies card in your pocket and are ready to reap the benefits!  

Apply for your card here: and happy travels!

Amber Williams
Bearla International Studies.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Diverse Universities With The Largest International Student Population

2012-2013 most diverse universities in the USA, with the largest International student population.

National Universities                                                                             International
New School, New York, NY                                                                        29%
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL                                           28%
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL                                                 23%
Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL                                                                22%
University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK                                                                    22%
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA                                                18%
Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette, IN                              17%
University at Buffalo-Suny                                                                          16%
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA                                       16%
Northeastern University, Boston, MA                                                         15%

Liberal Arts Colleges                                                                                   
Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, CA                                             39%
Wesleyan College, Macon, GA                                                                 25%
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA                                              23%
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA                                                          19%
Earlham College, Richmond, IN                                                               18%
College of Atlantic, Bar Harbor, ME                                                          17%
Principia College, Elsah, IL                                                                       15%
Westminster College, Fulton, MO                                                             15%
East-West University, Chicago, IL                                                            14%
Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA                                                            14%

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Loughborough University at iCITY, Olympic Park.

Olympic Park Velodrome
My recent trip to the Olympic Park was so great that I have felt inspired to write about the construction taking place to structure the park for students. Focusing today on Loughborough University as it is to establish an academic campus, offering postgraduate and executive education, at iCITY on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.

The development is due to open in 2015. The university is a leader in research and innovation. The campus will entertain business and management, media and communications, digital technologies and sport.

Professor Robert Allison, Vice Chancellor of Loughborough University, said: “This is an outstanding opportunity for Loughborough to diversify and expand the high quality education it offers to both postgraduate students and those looking to advance their professional development.

“It will also provide the University with opportunities to further enhance its pioneering research and innovation that help to drive social change and boost prosperity. Loughborough prides itself in doing research that matters and makes a difference. Our new site in London will underpin this important aspect of the University’s endeavour, in parallel with new taught programmes.”
The new campus will support the UK’s flourishing creative and digital industries. It is fantastic to see such developments taking place in the UK, let alone the Olmpyc Park. It seems that some countries do not use the Olympic space which they have spent millions to create, so I am proud to have our Olympic space being used for educational purposes. 
I have plenty more photos to shar with you, visit my G+ profile to see more!
To find out more about visiting the Olympic Park click here:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Genocide Research Announcement

In the last two decades universities have been adding research on genocide, Yale found a program in 1998, Clark, in Worcester Mass offers a Ph.D. in Holocaust history and genocide studies.  University of Southern California has now created a West Coast hub of genocide scholarship.  USC announced the formation of a new Center for Advanced Genocide Research.

“The center will function as the research arm of the USC Shoah Foundation, known for its enormous archive of video testimony from survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides. The center is the latest evolution of an organization originally founded by the filmmaker Steven Spielberg in 1994 to record interviews with Holocaust survivors and witnesses. Over the years, the USC Shoah Foundation has amassed nearly 52,000 testimonies. It has also widened its focus beyond the persecution and killing of Jews during the Nazi era, bringing in new collections of testimony about atrocities like the 1994 Rwanda Tutsi genocide, the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in China, and the 1915 Armenian genocide.

I think the International Institute of Genocide and Human Rights studies describe perfectly why Genocide is important for people to study: 'It can help identify the warning signs of impending violence; and it can suggest ways in which genocide may be prevented' 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Rankings of the Best Graduate Schools In The United Kingdom

It is that time of the year for those whole will be graduating from university in the spring 2015 to be finding the perfect graduate schools for your major.  The ten best schools in the United Kingdom have been rated and the rating was taken from the following criteria:  Entry Standards, Students Satisfaction, Research Assessment, Graduate Prospects, and Overall Score.

Ten Best Schools in the United Kingdom                                    Overall Score
Cambridge                                                                                     1000
Oxford                                                                                             990
London School of Economics                                                         975
Imperial College London                                                                 933
Durham                                                                                           925
St Andrews                                                                                     891
University College London                                                             859
Warwick                                                                                          864
Bath                                                                                                852
Exeter                                                                                             848

Best Medical Schools in the United Kingdom, the rating credit are the following:
5 Best Medical Schools in the United Kingdom                        Overall Score
Cambridge                                                                                     100
Oxford                                                                                             100
Edinburgh                                                                                        98.4
University College London                                                              98.0
Aberdeen                                                                                         97.6
Imperial College London                                                                 94.4

Law School Rankings
Cambridge                                                                                     100
London School of Economics                                                        95.4
University College London                                                             95.0
Oxford                                                                                            94.8
Glasgow                                                                                         92.5

5 Best General Engineering School in the United Kingdom
Cambridge                                                                                    100
Surrey                                                                                           95.8
Oxford                                                                                           94.9
Imperial College London                                                               94.6
Durham                                                                                         94.1

Bearla International Studies
Elizabeth Koukladas Director

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Paying For A Four-Year Degree Abroad Without A Student Loan?

Design School, Hollywood.
The challenge of most international students is how to fund a four-year degree instead of just studying a semester abroad.  After fourteen years in school recruitment I rarely have had a student tell me 'I got it covered', with only a few exceptions to the rule, students have to use the following methods of paying for their education:  Savings, grants, scholarships, parents loans and student loans.  Basically only wealthy and really smart students can study internationally at a four-year university.  So the big question is how to pay for a full four-year degree abroad without a student loan? 

Currently the USA and UK have federal aid programs but these federal Aid programs will not fund a four-year degree abroad.  Recently I came across an article about how the UK might be changing that policy.  “The UK Higher Education International Unit published it’s strategy for outward mobility encouraging UK universities to develop study abroad experiences for students as part of their UK degree studies (so called credit mobility).  And now we have a report from the British Council telling us that more UK students than ever are considering full degree studies overseas (diploma mobility) as an alternative to studying at a university in the UK.”

January 2010 numbers show that 22,000 UK students studied at an international university for the full three to four-years term.  This is beginning to create a challenge for both the UK and the US with new incentives to promote studying abroad.  This is implanting the desire without giving the individual the tools to make it happen.  Again leaving only the extremely smart and wealthy able to fund their educational aspirations.   

The UK and the USA government have planted the seeds of studying internationally to help cultivate our future leaders but if Federal Student Aid does not adapt to help to fund our future leaders than we are doing a disservice to the future of our world.

Bearla International Studies
Elizabeth Koukladas Director

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Study Abroad in Canada-Advice on Where to Begin.

Amber Williams
I recently was on an International Students Forum and came across a question that an International student asked: 

“I wish to do my masters in Canada, please can you let me know any university in Canada that I can apply, that will accept me, and please let me know the requirements.  What I need to do, to have admissions this year?”

To answer this question effectively, there are a few of questions you should ask yourself:

What do I want to study my masters in?
What part of Canada do I want to live in?
This is a good place to start it has all the universities in Canada listed (see web link), each province and institutions have different requirements, so it is important to pick the school you would like to attend first.

Here are a few more resources:

Post-Secondary Application Service of British Columbia
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
Ontario College Application Service
List of colleges in Canada
List of Universities in Canada
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
List of Canadian Universities by endowment

General requirements for Graduate Studies: This listing provides a general outline of requirements for students interested in applying to a university graduate program in Canada. Please note that specific requirements for institutions will vary and students are encouraged to check directly with the institutions they are interested in for specific admissions requirements.

Completion of an acceptable undergraduate degree from an accredited/recognized university
High level of academic achievement in previous studies
Strong reference letters
Written Statements
Standardized tests such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). 
If English isn’t your native language you will have to take an English Placement Test the standard test most international students take for TOEFL.

Good luck for those of you that are interested in studying in Canada and have additional questions please contact Bearla International Studies:

And please watch this space for our brand new website to be launched very soon...

Co-Owner, Amber Williams.

Bearla International Studies.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

International Student-Get Your Bargains Here!

I hope  you have already applied for your ISCI, if not, then here is why you should and the great benefits you will receive from being a card holder.

'The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only internationally accepted, UNESCO endorsed proof of bona fide student status. An ISIC card is your passport to fantastic benefits and services the world over. If you're a full time student aged 12 years+ then you're eligible for an ISIC card.'

Benefits include discounts on adventure tours, online courses, computer programs, the cinema, language courses and so much more. The discounts for international students change frequently and to be quite honest I feel that anyone studying abroad should not leave home without one. Even if you do not have a tight budget, its always great to get a bargain and you would hate to be left out of the loop if all your friends have one!

The cost of the card depends on your country of issue, but is never more than 25 USD. If your country of residence do not issue the card, then do not fear-you are able to apply for one in your chosen country of international study. You are able to apply for the card online, but be warned that it may take upto 4 weeks for the application to be processed, so, apply early so that once you are ready to board your plane for your study abroad extravaganza you have your international studies card in your pocket and are ready to reap the benefits!  

Apply for your card here: and happy travels!

Amber Williams
Bearla International Studies.

Monday, April 21, 2014

International Students Breaking The Barriers

Fancy Studying in Santa Monica?
International graduate student applications to the US have climbed by 7 percent this year, however, the genetic makeup has changed...  

China led the way for two years in a row but recently the applications from China have dropped 3 percent in 2013 and another 1 percent in 2014.  On the other hand India has increased by 22 percent in 2013 and 33 percent in 2014-with more than 6 months of the year still to go still to go!

Chinese students make up 33 percent of all international students in the US and Indian students make up 18 percent. South KoreaTaiwan and China make up the majority of the international students studying in the US. Brazil is suspected to break the barrier with it's 33 percent increase, with the Olympics and consequently transplanted American businesses this is no surprise.  Last but not least there has been in noticeable increase in Africa, Europe and the Middle East all demonstrating an increase in graduate applications.  

The biggest concern I have is why China has dropped off with graduate applications? Remember that having international students in our education system is a good thing! If you have any comments then please share them below.

We are lucky to live in a country that has such a sort after education system, but remember it is important that as a nation we welcome international students to our country, break bread with them because this will leave a lasting positive impression...and its good for business! 

Elizabeth Koukladas
 Just a couple of days to go until our barand new website is  
          launched!! Please check back to see our work of art!  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

ETS Not Longer...

ETS has confirmed it “made the decision not to extend” its licence to provide Secure English Language Testing for the UK Home Office, which means that TOEFL and TOEIC exams will no longer be accepted as proof of English level for visa purposes, due to a high levels of fraud.
Watch this space for further updates.

Don't forget out brand new website is being launched early next week! 

Amber Williams
Bearla International Studies

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Verizon Foundation: Changing Lives Through Technology.

The Verizon Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the United States who are focused on improving education, healthcare and energy management through philanthropy.

The main focuses for The Verizon Foundation are as follows:  

Energey management: Technology can be used to help people make smarter energy decisions and save money. 

We seek to empower communities with technology-enabled energy management solutions and carbon footprint reduction. ”

Justina Nixon-Saintil
Director, Energy Management, Verizon Foundation

Healthcare: Improving quality and access for children, women and seniors in rural and urban communities in need of drastic and lasting change.

Our technology-enabled chronic disease management programs will improve communication between patients and providers and empower improved patient self-management for better long-term outcomes.”

Carrie Hughes
Director of Healthcare, Verizon Foundation

Education: Preparing students for success in the 21st century. By implementing mobile technology, award-winning free digital content, and teacher training for schools and organizations; focusing on enhancing student's interest and achievement in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

We have invested in education initiatives that inspire and support teachers to effectively integrate technology in the classroom, all leading to a positive impact on student achievement.”

Justina Nixon-Saintil
Director, Education, Verizon Foundation

Take a look around The Verison Foundation website and discover some of the local success stories, such as the Bronx Academy of Promise charter school who were on the brink of closure before The Verizon Foundation were contacted by the passionate leader of the school and its faculty members. By implementing technological advances in the institution, they were able to keep the school alive and produce massive improvements, bringing the school from a grade F rating, to a grade A rating. 

The Verizon Foundation accept donations and also give out grants to programmes involving but not limited to public charities and schools. 

Amber Williams-Director

Bearla International Studies Brand new website being launched next week!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Best Graduate Schools In The US.

As the end of the 2013-2014 year comes to a close and graduation is on the
horizon, it is only natural to look to the future so here is the list of the top graduate schools in the USA:

Business:  MBA, MBA-Finance and Executive MBA

Part-time MBA
UC Berkeley
University of Chicago
Northwestern University
New York University
University of California  Los Angeles

Finance MBA
University of Chicago
New York University
Columbia University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Executive MBA
University of Chicago
Northwestern University
Duke University
Columbia University

Best Business Schools 2015
Harvard University
Stanford University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Chicago
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Law Schools: 

Part-time Law School
Georgetown University
George Washington University
Fordham University
George Mason University
Loyola Marymount University

Best Overall Law Schools 2015
Yale University
Harvard University
Stanford University
Columbia University
University of Chicago
New York University

Medical Schools:  Primary Care, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine
Primary Care
University of Washington
University of North Carolina
Oregon Health and Science University
University of California-San Francisco
University of Massachusetts

University of Pennsylvania
Harvard University
University of Cincinnati
Johns Hopkins University
University of Washington

Internal Medicine
John Hopkins University
Harvard University
University of California-San Francisco
Duke University
University of Pennsylvania 

Best Overall Medical Schools in the Country
University of Washington
University of North Carolina
Oregon Health and Science University
University of California-San Francisco
University of Massachusetts-Worcester 

Bearla International Studies
Elizabeth Koukladas Director