Sunday, November 24, 2013

15 English Language Jokes, Riddles and Activities to EXERCISE your BRAIN this Sunday!


A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.
Let’s eat, Grandma.
Let’s eat Grandma!
Why is the number six so scared? Because seven eight nine!

If vegetarians eat vegetables then what on earth do humanitarians eat?!

What’s the difference between a cat and a comma?

A cat has claws at the ends of its paws and a comma is a pause at the end of a clause.

English Language riddles

Q1) What is closer, you mum or your dad?

A) Mum is closer, because Dad is farther.

Q2) What has four wheels and flies?

A) A garbage truck.

Q3) What do you get if you cross a stereo with a fridge?

A) Very cool music. 

Q) Why should we never ask a hot air balloon for advice?

A) They are full of hot air. 

Fill in the gaps quiz:

1) Albert Einstein was           scientist.

a) a    b) scientific   c) bad    d) drunk

2) ___ by stories of abundance and opportunities, people from various nations flocked to European seaports to travel to America.

a) Encourage   b) Encouraging   c) Encouragement   d) Encouraged

3) I love to live by the          and hear the seagulls in the morning, tweeting at         .

a) dog, cat

b) sea, me

c) jump, you

d) water, mine

Answer the math equations and write the answer in full English:

4) one hundred and two + twenty five =

one hundred and twenty seven.

5) One thousand and forty five + two hundred and seven =

one thousand, two hundred and fifty two.

I hope you have enjoyed my jokes, riddles and quiz for today. Have a relaxed Sunday and happy learning!

Amber Williams

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