Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Green Card Lottery And The American Dream.

The Green Card Lottery, provides around 55,000 green cards annually to people from all over the world, who want to move to the United States. The Green Card Lottery is an official US State Department, government run program. If you happen to be lucky, then all you have to do is enter and wait for the results-generated at random by a computer. 
There are a couple of requirements in orders for you to be able to enter the lottery in the first place. They depend on whether you are from a qualifying country-depending on how many people from your country have emigrated to the USA annually for the past 5 years. Eligibility is also decided upon whether  you completed your hight school education or national equivalent, and which country you are currently residing in when you apply. Applications are now only taken online and do require stringent questioning. Once the application has been completed it is then passed to the government for approval and then entered into the lottery.
If you are crying out to live the American dream, then I suggest the lottery is well worth entering, 55,000 green cards distributed annually is pretty good. I have known two people who have won, so its not that rare. 
You can get your application checked before you submit it for government approval. Many are disqualified because their applications where filled out incorrectly. There are services available to you who are able to help you with the application, just make sure you find a reputable one.
I hope you have a chance to enter and if so, good luck with your entry!

Amber Williams-Director.
Bearla International Studies

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