Friday, March 7, 2014

A learning disability doesn't make you weird‏!!

Tens of thousands of college students are keeping their learning disabilities a secret compared to high school students. Only 17% of college students with learning disabilities are utilising the benefits of the disabilities services. Research states that students with learning disabilities are silently struggling as they feel ashamed at having a learning disability. Research also shows that 34% complete their four-year degree within eight years of finishing high school and that they are more likely to drop out of college.  

It’s a difficult one as there is a sense of pride in wanting to do it on your own but please don’t chance it, seek help to make it happen and to make life easier on yourself,  I know because I have a learning disability and when I was going to high school you were just labeled: mentally retarded (forgive me for the term but that’s what they called me). Teachers told my parents that I would never graduate from elementary school HA!!!  I have my MBA in finance and my undergraduate degree in vocal performance, what did they know.  I didn’t have help until the last two years of university, I wish I had gotten help sooner it was way worth it.  So put your pride aside and just do it, no one with think less of you, I don’t! 

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