Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Help Me Live My Dream Of International Studies...I'm Struggling!!

"There’s a misconception that gap years or study-abroad opportunities are feasible only for the affluent. There are lots of free options (and some paid ones) at, which lists volunteering opportunities all over the world. It’s also often possible to make money teaching English on the side."

Nicholas Kristof

There has been scepticism and controversy around this quote by Mr Kristof, saying that he is saying that you can experience a study abroad trip without it costing you a pound. We all know this is not the case, however, it is important to acknowledge that there are schemes and people who can help you to change your life with international study. At Bearla International Studies we will soon be starting a scholarship for one lucky student a year. It is important to remember that you do not cross international studies off your list of dreams and desires, just because you believe you cannot afford it. Remember that everything you do does require some kind of effort and or expense. 

Remember that you are not alone out there. Studying abroad really is a fantastic mind blowing experience, one which I believe everyone should have a chance to experience. At Bearla International Studies, we believe in making your educational dreams come true. We are currently working towards additional programs to help disadvantaged students realise their potential, and to give them a helping hand along the way. 

I will be releasing more information on this throughout the year. If you are looking to get involved on either side of the program, then please contact us. Share your thoughts, ideas and support or find out more about how Bearla can help internationally!

Have a great day, and don't ever give up!

Amber Williams
Bearla International Studies

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