Saturday, November 16, 2013

Catch the Brazilian Beat!

When I hear the words Rio De janeiro, I conjure up images of brightly colored materials flying through the air, the country’s most outrageous and flamboyant costumes, rhythms of the Samba bounding through the streets and beautiful Brazilian dancers breezing past. This combined with the 2016 Olympics, I feel is shaping up to be taste of heaven. Just 993 days, 3 hours and 11 minutes to go.

We are all eagerly awaiting the 2016 Olympics, to be held in the marvelous Rio De janeiro. Brazil is keen to be fully prepared for the event. With the magnitude of the olympics, a snowballing energy sector and a rising middle class, the Brazilians are now flocking to take English language classes, in order keep up with growing global economy. 
It’s strange to think that a country once rated at the bottom of the list for English proficiency (in a 54-country survey), and occasionally referred to as ‘closing its doors to outsiders’ now has millions of its citizens no longer treating English classes as a privilege for the rich but as a commodity.
The hard work the Brazil is putting in now, will pay off. The 2012 London Olympics was an incredible event. I think I can speak for the majority of the nation when say we were left with a feeling of national pride and of course, utter awe for the competitors. Hosting the Olympics brings jobs, money, visibility and excitement to a country and can also perform wonders for its tourism industry.
I hope I manage to get some tickets for Rio!

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