Saturday, November 23, 2013

News in Education: Teaching Evolution – In Texas schools??

I decided to write about this particular article because I am curious about our followers views.  I grew up in a Greek home where discussing politics, education, government, and loads of other topics (we had some great debates), so don’t be afraid to share, let it all out!!!  Okay just for the record I am not giving my opinion (you know I have one), I want to know what you think.
Here are some of the details:
Texas Board of Education had a late night meeting over a biology textbook that has errors in the lesson plan with regards to the theory of evolution. Keep in mind that Pearson’s the largest publisher in the country, is the company that published the biology textbook.  The main problem is between the academics worrying that scientific fact will be ignored, and on the creationist side; the story that God created the earth is a fact.

So read through the article and tell me what you think!!!!

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