Saturday, December 28, 2013

BIG DATA: Minority Report and the Future of Education.

Using “BIG DATA” to determine what courses individuals should take by matching student’s interest or aptitude. Viktor Mayer-Schonberger professor at Oxford University warns this could be a future Minority Report (the movie, Tom Cruise).  This could create a dystopian (opposite of Utopia).  Professor Mayer-Schonberger stated that it would be similar to the Minority Report by sentencing or almost predetermining individual’s futures. 
The Big Data would track (has been tracking for 30 years) students from the time they enter school by track failures and successes in particular standardizing tests.  The problem is capturing data where students haven’t developed certain skills yet; there are a verity of reasons why a student has not grown into the skill including home environment and non economic reasons.   I can think of two examples of famous individuals that were told they were stupid and would not amount to anything (in primary school), Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell, these to individuals were dyslexic.  Could you imagine a world without Bell or Einstein, well I could not, I am glad they both ignored their teachers and got on with it…So, future scholars of the world, be your own determining factor and do not let anyone put you in a box!!!

'Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.'
Albert Einstein.
Read More about BIG DATA at:

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