Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Interviewing 101 – Tips

Finding a job in today's economic climate is very difficult, in fact, it is a little disheartening. Today's job market is a buyers market not a sellers market, so performing well in interviews is crucial.  Psychological research shows that interviewers will form an opinion on your personality and intelligence in the first 30 seconds so it is important to you to make a good first impression the second you walk.  So make sure you prepare for the interview, research the company and research your relevant and interesting questions.

·                     Research the company – drop in your knowledge of the company during                     interview

·                     Dress nicely – The better you look the more money they will offer you – Smile,             a firm but not too firm handshake

·                     Do not speak slang – proper language

·                     Come 15 min early

·                     Bring your own pen

·                     Bring two resumes

·                     Body language – good posture, good eye contact, and body relaxed but not too           relaxed (does this make sense?), be confidence, deliver your responses with                   conviction

·                     Be ready for tough questions (have examples of             your work)

·                     Show you are flexible and show a willingness to               be a team player by supporting your                             colleagues.

·                     Respectful and responsive

·                     Ask important questions:  What characteristics              are you looking for in the individual?  Is their                  room for growth?  What is the most challenging              aspect of the position?  How soon will you decide? Make sure you do your                      research and ask intelligent questions regarding the company.

·                     Make sure you tell the interviewer that you are very interested in the position

·                    Make sure you get the interviewers email address and send a thank you letter              with a reiteration of your interest in the position.

·                   Prepare!!!  Prepare!!!!  Prepare – even rehearsing your interview


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