Friday, December 13, 2013

SEO Your Life! Be Successful from the word GO!

I am sure that you all the international students, study abroad candidates and our
friends at the educational institutions are aware of the benefits of SEO for a website. However, have we ever thought about applying the idea of SEO into our everyday lives?! 

You may be thinking that I have gone entirely nuts, or the idea may slowly be making sense in your mind. The idea, in a nutshell is this:

1) Stay optimistic, I know we have all heard it said a million times, but that is because it is true! A positive attitude does go a long way. If you are preparing for your study abroad trip, and you are feeling a little apprehensive; going to a new school, in a new location can be a bit daunting. However, staying positive and picturing all the great experiences you are going to have will help drown out out any fears you may be conjuring up!

2) Utilise your skills, build on your skills...never stop building on your skills. Make sure your skills are fresh, by that, I mean to practice often. For example: As you know, I am a keen photographer, but if I do not use my camera frequently enough, I do seem to forget how to use it. It has a ridiculous amount of buttons and after a month or so, this information takes a trip elsewhere, as it has been laying stagnant in my brain and not being used. So, use your brain, keep it warmed up and be prepared to use any of your skills at the drop of a hat.

3) Networking and surrounding yourself with successful people. Who you choose to spend your time with can make a very significant difference to your life. If you are spending time with successful people, you are more likely to become successful yourself. Networking and gaining contacts is beneficial in any line of work. Remember to stay in touch with the people you meet. Graduating from college or university with valued contacts under your belt will give you a head start when you break into the workforce.

So, SEO your life and reap the benefits!

By Amber Williams

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