Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Get Me In The DOOR!

Top Ten Qualities Employers are Looking for, from University Graduates:

The ability to think clearly about complex problems: problem solving is a great trait. If you
are innovative and have the confidence to share your ideas, not only will this show that you are committed but is also a great way to earn the respect from your boss.
The ability to write and speak well whether you are an international student or a native looking for work. 

The ability to analyze a problem to develop workable solutions.

An understanding of how global business is conducted. 

The ability to be creative and innovative in solving problems.

Versatility, the ability to apply knowledge and skills in new settings, demonstrate flexibility in the work place. If you have studies abroad, then share this with your potential employer. This demonstrates how you have been exposed to a variety of cultures, that you took opportunity to grow professionally, personally and academically through studying abroad. 

The ability to understand numbers and statistics. 

A strong sense of ethics and integrity. 

I have always found that the best way to get noticed by your boss at work and be in the running for a promotion, is to treat the business as if it was your own. 

Happy job hunting graduates and remember that activities such as volunteering can go a long way. Volunteering can be a great way of getting your foot in the door and get your face seen by the people who matter. Good Luck! 

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