Monday, December 16, 2013

Work Smarter Not Harder: Study Tips

Here are ten suggestions on how to study smarter not harder.  As a student your time is
limited and improving on your basic study skills should help.  Keep in mind it is not just about the speed but retention, recall and transfer.
I would like to highlight that Multitasking is not as good as you think, it’s better to master one and move onto the next.  So let me know how the Ten Tips help, and happy final exams….

. Memory Improvement Basics. 
.Focus on the material. 
.Avoid cramming sessions. 
.Structured study time. 
.Keep Learning New Things.  
.Learn in Multiple Ways.  
.Teach What You have Learned to Another Person.  
.Utilize Previous Learning to Promote New Learning. 
.Gain Practical Experience. Look Up Answers Rather Than Struggle to Remember. 
.Understand How you Learn Best. 
.Multiple intelligences. Learning style dimensions. 
.VARK learning styles. 
.Kolb’s learning styles. 
.Use Testing to Boost Learning.  

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