Sunday, January 12, 2014

How To Ensure Your Business Will Thrive In A Globalized Economy.

Companies have been adjusting to cultural and economic trends and proactively building workforces with the skills and capabilities needed to grow and thrive in this multicultural and international economy. These combinations do differ from business to business, however one element which always remains the same is how bilingualism delivers business value and proven growth in profits, not to mention reduced employee accidents at work

Globalization and demographic shifts have reshaped the business landscape. Language training for employees is no longer a pleasant addition but vital to the future success of companies worldwide. 

Benefits sending your employees on Corporate Tours to improve their English language skills:

Gain true cultural insight and perspective
Improve on your English language skills
Build multitasking skills 
Memory improves
More perceptive
Decision-making skills improve
It shows you have a true interest in doing business with the international company
It builds trust between you and the international company
It shows respect and through respect it will create a bound of loyalty between you, the employee and your clients.
Increase your profits
Give you the edge over your competitors

Attractive benefit to hire the best candidates
Reduces employee accidents at work through better communication skills between workers

The stats to prove it!

96 percent of respondance say that the language skills are important for professional success in the current business environment. 

71 percent of respondents plan to grow their business in countries or market segments that speak a different language than the one they currently use for daily operations. 

Only one is three respondents say their companies take active steps through education and training to make sure their managers and line employees speak the same language. Be ahead of the game, invest now and reap the benefits almost immediately. 

Bearla Internationals Studies will be elaborating on the benefits of sending employees overseas to learn English. We will be having in depth discussions on the global market with vital information on how secure success in a global marketplace.  

Coming soon...At Bearla International Studies we are extremely excited to be providing Corporate Tours to the UK and USA!

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