Monday, January 6, 2014

Stretching Your Dollar Whilst Studying Abroad, Part Two.

Bearla International Studies Share Tips To Save You
Money Whilst Studying Abroad:

Group Travel On Your Study Abroad Adventure 

Group tickets are always cheaper, rail tickets, hostel rooms and extreme sports activities are just a few categories which offer group discounts (don't forget your student ID card for additional discounts).

Having your friends by your side, experiencing a study abroad journey with you is fantastic. Travelling solo is also a great experience, however, there were certain times when I was travelling solo, that I wished I did have a friend by my side, such as watching a beautiful sunset, or attempting to surf for the first time!


Our international students have come back to us countless times with amazing deals they have found so that we can pass them on to future students (thank you guys). Sometimes it can be cheaper to book your flight, activities and tours independant of each other. Travel agents usually add commission on to package deals. Buying each service separately could save you money. 

Exercise your English Language Skills. 

Use your English language skills to provide an income; teaching English whilst studying abroad is one of the most rewarding and enabling experiences. Wages can be up to as much as £2,200 per month in places like Japan. Some of our international students have put a 3 month block in the middle of their trip to teach, enabling you to refresh your bank account and experience the culture of a new country from a totally different perspective. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Costa Rica crying out for English Teachers. 

If you have anymore great tips to save you money whilst studying abroad, then please let us know in the comments section below. We love to hear feedback from international students around the world, so please share with us your knowledge and experiences. We will shortly be launching our BRAND NEW website, which we are EXTREMELY excited about. At Bearla Internationals Studies we constantly strive to voice our expert advice for study abroad students. If you have any questions you would like us to answer, then please ask them below. 

Amber Williams

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