Thursday, January 2, 2014

Use Your Passions To Spruce Up Your English Language Skills.

When I moved to the UK in 2007, I didn't know a soul, I was all by myself, and I didn’t understand the culture, the language or the rules.  One of the ways I acclimatized was by joining sports team. I joined a softball team in Brighton, I joined a sand soccer team, squash, table tennis, rugby and I joined a gym.  In my six years of living in the UK, I met some of the most incredible people by joining sports teams.  If you are not so into sports, there are loads of things to do, join a church choir, or the university/college choir, dance groups or photograph groups.  Whatever your passion there are lots of things to do out there, and the more involved you get the more your English language skills will improve along with making friends.
Universities and colleges have a wide verity of clubs you can join, not only is it good for your English language skills and friendships but it also helps you become more confident, it might help you build on your leadership skills.  If you’re thinking to yourself where to I start? Here are a few tips:
Learn what clubs offer:  Most clubs, fairs or meet ups will be advertised on campus.
Be an active member:  Don’t just join get in there and participate, but take an active role, this can only enhance your university or college experience. 
Try a volunteer group:  Get involved with a Greek organization perhaps, as typically they have a philanthropic component to their organizations.  You could also volunteer in your club, step right up and get involved, this will enrich your experience.
I hope these tips help to make your study abroad adventure more memorable and successful. let us know how it goes, tell us about clubs you have particularly enjoyed and leadership roles you have taken on. If you have any feedback or advice for our international students, then please do not hesitate to post them here!

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